Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) is an approach that empowers teams to capture the exact structure and behavior of a system in a language tailored to their domain. Instead of using generalized notations, DSM focuses on domain-specific concepts, providing clear, relevant models that speed up development and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.
Plain Text Modeling Over Graphical Tools
Rather than relying on graphical editors, we store our models as plain text files. This approach integrates easily with version control systems, making it simple to review changes, track history, and merge model updates. It also allows developers to edit, compare, and annotate models using standard text-based workflows without the need for proprietary graphical tools.
Models Stored With Each Project
All models, templates, and generated code are kept together in a single repository. This means every project has its own localized set of models right alongside the source code. Storing them in one place makes the development process more efficient and transparent, ensuring that changes to the models are clearly linked with the resulting code.
IDEs, Color Coding, and Syntax Checking
To enhance readability and catch errors early, we leverage popular IDE plugins for syntax highlighting and basic checks on our models. This adds the familiarity of standard coding practices to modeling, allowing developers to modify and validate models directly within their usual development environment.
Continuous Code Generation
With DSM, code generation becomes a streamlined part of the build process. Updates to the models trigger new code generation, yet developers can still step in and manually edit any generated file when necessary. A simple mechanism—such as a special comment marker—ensures that only files marked for re-generation are automatically overwritten.